Lazar Learning
We understood that without possessing solid knowledge we can not find the true source of the problems we are constantly facing in our daily practice.
In our clinic we have arranged a conference room, where we will constantly unfold courses from the dentistry domain. Our goal is to rise the information level of dentists and of our team. We also collaborate with other dental clinics from our country with whom we exchange opinions, therapeutic solutions, new information and work together on several complex cases.
Lecturer: Narcisa Chirila & Anca Popa
when PERIO meets PROSTHO...
Lecturer: Narcisa Chirila & Anca Popa
21 - 22 Februarie 2025
Days: 2
Location: Iasi, Hotel Ramada, RO
Places: 12
Language: Romana
Lecturer: Dan LAZAR
Preparation, Provisionals, Adhesion