Some of the most frequently asked questions in our courses are centered around occlusal appliance therapy for patients with temporomandibular disorders. Therefore, STABILITY, is a practical and theoretical experience dedicated to those practitioners, who wish to understand the anatomy and the physiology of the TMJ better, acquire a protocol for the functional evaluation of a patient, to get acquainted with the different bite appliances and to get comfortable with their use and adjustment in the daily practice.
What you will learn
• How the muscles and the joints work• A protocol for the functional evaluation
• TMJ imaging
• Accurate bite registrations
• Understand how different bite appliances work and how to choose the appropriate one for each case
• Aquire the practical skills for bite appliance adjustments
Practical part
• Muscle and joint assessment• Using the functional evaluation chart
• Bite appliance equilibration on mounted casts on an articulator
Who should enroll
General practitioners, prosthodontists, orthodontists who wish to learn more about occlusal appliances
Lecturers: Roxana Petcu
Maximum places: 12
Date: 2-4 Septembrie 2021
Language: Romana
Price: 1.500 EUR

Roxana PETCU
2-4th September 2021
AVAILABLE PLACES: 12 participants LANGUAGE: Romana
ortholearning.rp@gmail.com +40 786 490 440
1.500 EUR
Prices are in Euro and contain VAT.
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